A basic tutorial using SharePoint Designer Get Started

In our series of tutorial, Getting Started with SharePoint, we're going to be quick tutorials that deal exclusively with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. The pinch is that the pattern and design are limited options available with SharePoint.

For those who want adventure in the design of your SharePoint site, SharePoint Designer is that as a free download from the main page of Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint Designer works withSharePoint site to offer almost unlimited possibilities of design. Before we can do it, but we have things set up. We dream of walking through the creation of SharePoint Designer SharePoint host your site and you in your planning.

The first thing we must do, SharePoint Designer can be downloaded here. You must sign up for free download, and if you have LiveID or Hotmail, you can use for your application. After wethe program is the next step is to install it. You will find that this part is easy. Even on my vista laptop, it was a 3 click system with default settings.

The first time that SharePoint Designer, you are presented with options for online help, system maintenance and the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Again I chose the default values so that a check mark only "help line".

Installation Options

Then select you get when you doUse Windows Update for this product. I recommend you keep the software updated.

"To Site" to start a new website and on the hook to our hosted SharePoint, go to the file and select "New" and then "Web dialog box that appears, we have a selection of general or models to SharePoint choose. There is no doubt noticed that the models section. Before the subject, check it out, found it empty.

The models are in the General sectionsites under vacuum. ability to SharePoint content dynamics are not constructed in these sites, but may be added later. This is a good option if you want to build a website from scratch.

On the other hand, models are based on SharePoint technology ASP .. NET This can be used in dynamic, powerful two-way applications that truly engage the user is provided. You can also use the Import Wizard website, you can add new sites to import files from a folderon your PC or an existing Web site. You can use this option does not move to the dynamic components of SharePoint, but you can import an existing SharePoint site.

For this exercise, we created a website from a template available for creating SharePoint.

At the bottom of the dialog box enter you see a place for the location of the site. All we have to do in order to interact with our site hosted SharePoint with SharePoint Designer is to put our new web site URL here. Go ahead anddo, make sure that is highlighted "SharePoint templates" and click OK.

Dialog Box "in the new position

Another dialog box will prompt data access SharePoint. Enter your username and password and click "OK". The dialog box will populate with SharePoint templates. The template of a blog to keep track of inventory or knowledge base to run, but now you decide "Blank Page" and click OK.

SharePoint Designer creates all the files and folders baseda basic ASP. NET Web site and enter the directory. You have now created a blank site ASP. NET does not let you down. Feel free to your new site in your favorite browser to check, fold!

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1 Response to "A basic tutorial using SharePoint Designer Get Started"

  1. Andrea says:

    Very helpful tutorial. I enjoyed reading this article and find the information very useful. This article is a nice guide for all the freshers who are learning about this software and is looking for some good material.
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